The Christmas Holidays can be intense with lots of expectations, family pressures, a materialistic binge, and over eating. There is mounting excitement, but then it is over. Many experience the Post Christmas Blues.

Post Christmas Blues
So here are a few tips for overcoming this blah post holiday feeling…
- Take a walk in the park. The lights are still up in a lot of the city parks. Go for a stroll and enjoy them before your city takes them down.
- Take your family out to eat. Many of you received a gift card or some extra cash over Christmas. Spend some of it by going out. Go early, like 4:30pm, and beat the crowds.
- Go out to see a movie. It can be a great escape. My son and I went to see the movie Unbroken last night. It was an inspiring movie of faith and determination to survive and stand for your country.
- Watch a movie at home. Someone probably got a movie in their stocking. Get it out, pop some popcorn and watch a movie together at home.
- Take down the decorations. You probably have had them up for awhile. Pack them up and put them away. This helps you start thinking about the New Year ahead and gets rid of the clutter in your home.
- Throw away the stale treats. You know those dried out left over cookies, candies, and pies. You made and received more than you could eat. They have already begun to get dry. Save a few things, but throw out the rest.
- Start eating better. Eat less sweets and taper off of the cola drinks. Start eating more healthy choices and drink more water. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel.
- Begin a reasonable workout routine. Nothing crazy, unless you like crazy. Do something to get your body moving. Start walking, or jogging, or try out that work out DVD your spouse gave you (even if you were a little offended by the gift).
- Go to the Library and make a reading list for the New Year. Perhaps you could make a goal of reading a book a month, or even a book a week. Nothing expanse your horizons like good books.
- Determine to Read the Bible Through in a Year this coming 2015. Want to learn more on how to do this? Visit Here I will show you how to read the Bible in a year using the One Year Bible. This is a sure way to get your spiritual juices flowing for the next twelve months.
- Start thinking about your goals for 2015. The days before the New Year can be a great time for evaluating your life and dreaming about what you want to strive for next.
- Do something to help someone in your community. It seems that everyone is interested in helping out a charity or an underprivileged person around Christmas. But such help usually dramatically drops off after the holidays. Make a plan to help someone, or some charity out this winter when volunteerism and financial support tends to wane.
- Spend an hour in private prayer. Get off somewhere you won’t be bothered and simply spend the hour thanking God for all the blessings in your life. Maybe even write those blessings down one by one. You might find this to be the one thing that lifts your spirits the most. You will find that God has given you so much.
- Go to church. You may have been traveling with family and missed a couple Sundays. As soon as you are home, get back in church. Enjoy the people there, savor experiencing the worship of God with others, and praise God that you get to be a part of the Lord’s Family, thanks to Jesus coming into the world.
Question: What are tips that you have found helpful in battling the Post Holiday Blues? Share them with us. You can leave a comment by clicking here.