Everything changes! Nothing stays the same. Life is constantly in motion. Furthermore, we have no idea what kind of twists and turns await us. The key to navigating this reality of life is to “live in the moment.”

Everything Changes
Of course, this has been difficult for me to achieve. It is challenging to live in the moment without overly thinking out my future or analyzing my past. I like control and I want all my tomorrows figured out and my future challenges pre-wrestled down.
But life just doesn’t give me that option. I am not able to have that kind of certainty about my future.
Last night I received a phone call late in the evening. It was one of my church members in distress. A private plane had crashed in Colorado and several members of her family were killed. I am sure no one in this family anticipated that tragedy or the life altering consequences of it.
James said, “Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (James 4:13-14)
Perhaps you have plans concerning the format of your life in a year. There is nothing wrong with plans. In fact, I would encourage you to have them. Plans give focus to life and sharpen your efforts. But be sure to leave room for the adventure of God. He will probably surprise you with things you could never anticipate.
Some of those surprises are exciting. This past year I received some thrilling opportunities in my job that enabled me to make a difference. I also received some financial blessings that I didn’t know were coming and helped my family with college expenses. Yippie!
But of course some surprises are challenging. I was disappointed in some relationships this year (you probably were too) and some people I dearly loved died. I miss them fiercely.
These were all things I didn’t know were coming. But they came. If I had known all of this ahead of time, I think I would have been a wreck anticipating them.
We need to plan, but we need to live in the moment. The only time we have is the time we are living now. We don’t know what is next, not really, not completely. So it is important that we live today, applying ourselves to God’s will.
After all, God is with us now and he will be with us tomorrow. We might not know what is coming down the pike, but he does. In fact he is already there, waiting for us, while at the same time walking with us in this moment.
Are you anxious about what is next? I have to admit I sort of am. But the truth is, I shouldn’t be. I should live with God in the moment and trust him with what is next. He has a plan for me and he will carry it through.
It makes sense for me to choose to trust in him.
Question: Do you ever struggle living in the moment? What helps you trust in God for what is to come? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Wow!. The man of God, Thanks for your posts, Really you are my spiritual charger, mighty God Bless you much more.