So often our prayers are all about what we don’t have. But maybe we need to focus instead on thanking God for what we do have. The times I feel the most blessed are the times when I realize the great things God has already granted.

An Amazing Wife
This morning I had one of those moments. As I sat next to my wife over a bowl of breakfast cereal, it hit me. I am married to a wonderful woman.
Stefanie and I met back in the Fall of 1986. It was our freshman year of college and we met at the Christian campus ministry we both frequented. We fell in love quickly and didn’t wait long before we got engaged. Fortunately we did wait to graduate from school before we married, but married just weeks after receiving our degrees.
Over the years she has walked with me through the good and the bad.
There have been some good times…
*Rearing four amazing children.
*Establishing a relationally and financially stable home.
*Doing ministry together.
*Some really cool trips and vacations.
There have been some hard times…
*Periods where we didn’t have much money.
*Issues of health and surgeries.
*Difficult periods of ministry and family stress.
But despite it all she has been my partner through it all.
What makes all that more amazing is that I have not always been easy to live with (on second thought…I’m not sure I have ever been easy to live with). I have had a continuous tendency to overwork. All too often I have put my career over my family. I can’t count the times I didn’t leave work stress at work, but dragged it home.
Through it all she has stuck with me. I can’t put into words what that has meant to me. Apart from my relationship to the Lord, it really is the most amazing gift in my life.
What makes me sad is all of the times I have not recognized just how important she is to me. I should have awakened every day celebrating in my heart and mind how marvelous it is for me to have her.
I love her. I really do. I would not be the man I am today without her. I would not have these wonderful children that mean so much to me. I would not possess the wisdom that I do (she helped shape my discernment). I would be very much alone without her.
I have an amazing wife.
Thank you God! Thank you God!
Question: Who is it in your life that means so much to you? Have you expressed to them and to the world how much they mean to you? Have you thanked God for them? Why not do so today? In fact, why not do it here? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
An incredible tribute, and love shines clear and bright. For you both, from you both. I truly appreciate your candor– your courage to acknowledge and accept the person you are and how you live inspires me to try the same. Thank you. I needed this today.
Thanks for your kind words.
My grandmother was one of the people who most influenced me in life. I cherished her, and shared many memories with her. However, I took it for granted she’d always be there.
It took a grim diagnosis and knowing her time here with us was short to make me realize just how very important she was to me.
I’ll never forget the last words we shared. We were about to leave her house, and I had already hugged & kissed her once.
But something told me to go back and hug her again. As I hugged her, I told her I loved her. I am so glad that I did. The very next day my Mamaw was hospitalized, and passed away a week later.
Taking time to love and appreciate people is time well spent for sure!
She was obviously a very special lady.
I definitely got this down: ” I have not always been easy to live with…” and yet. I also am blessed. Great to know you both and may God continue to bless your marriage, ministry and family as each beautiful day rolls in…Peace.
Thanks for your words, Randy. We are blessed men indeed.