Some of you are tired and weary and you are thinking about quitting that which God called you to do. You feel like what you are doing is too hard or filled with too many problems. But would you read this short post as I encourage you not to quit.

Don’t Quit
Last week I was on the campus of Liberty University where I teach in an adjunct capacity. This school is the largest Christian University in the world and yet it is only 43 years old. When you walk on the campus you are amazed at the growth. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new construction is going up each year. The place is enjoying much success.
The founder of Liberty was the late Dr. Jerry Falwell. The University owes it’s success to Falwell’s tenacity in building the school over the years. When you study the history of that institution you do not find a story of easy success. You read of challenges and struggles, many of which could have downed the school in the early days. Why did those difficulties not down the school? Simply put Falwell led the organization never to quit.
He regularly preached a message entitled, “Don’t Quit.” In that message he argued that life is full of problems and you will never get out of having problems. He stressed that the Bible never promises a life free of challenges, on the contrary the scriptures speak of finding God and Kingdom opportunities in the midst of trials. He preached that problems are necessary for spiritual growth.
Dr. Falwell used to have a plaque in his study that read, “Life is filled with glorious opportunities, brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” That is a powerful word and one you should consider.
Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
What is it that you are considering quitting?
Could it be your job, your marriage, your volunteer position at church, the pursuit of that dream that you have never been able to shake, a relationship with a friend, that diet or exercise plan, or even your relationship with God?
My friend, if it is something God has placed in your life to do…don’t quit. Remember the promise of God that says, “for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Too many people quit too early. They quit before they finish, even before God is finished using and growing them in a situation. Don’t be that person that quits.
Instead, be that person who embraces the challenge and keeps your eyes on the prize. Be that person who accepts that life is opportunity disguised as monumental problems. Don’t be weary in doing good, but give your all for God and trust him through the inevitable challenges.
My friend, if the Lord called you to it, DON’T QUIT IT!
Question: What are scriptures or famous quotes that encourage you not to quit? Share them with us so that others may likewise be encouraged. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Greg, Below is one of many quotes that I have collected over the years and seemed appropriate for today’s blog message.
Theologian Fredrick Buechner said,
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
“Ask not what your country can do for you, But ask what you can do for your country.” President John F Kennedy.
Another is Isaiah 40:31
But those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount upon wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.
Those are good ones. Thanks!
Isaiah 40:31 has been an inspiration for years;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Waiting on the Lord. Very good word. Thanks Linda!
When life is hard and I get discouraged I like to read 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. It reminds me that I can’t get through trials on my own, but God is always there and will take the brokenness and use it for His glory.
Yes, that is a wonderful promise from God’s Word. Thanks Angela!
Was thinking of this yesterday during your sermon…
Thinking about how vital it is to look up, even when your head hangs down.
We grew more than ever in this year as God blessed us with a “breaking” unlike anything our family had felt before.
Where else can one turn but to Christ, and we were so clearly reminded during this phase of trial in our lives.
Peace of Christ to you today
Yes, our physical posture makes so much difference!