Are you ready to be responsive to the promptings of God, to go where he leads and seize opportunities he puts before you?

Be Ready To Move With God
In Ephesians the Bible speaks of putting on the armor of God to launch out and advance God’s will and Word in the world. Paul challenges us to put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and then says to make sure your feet are “fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:15)
The thoroughly equipped soldier in Paul’s day wore sandals with thickly studded soles. Such sandals not only protected the feet of the soldier, they also made it possible for the soldier to move swiftly and surely. In hand to hand combat, the ability to move quickly and change directions instantly could mean the difference between victory or defeat.
Consider the importance of well-fitted foot ware in sports. A boxer doesn’t want shoes that are too big for him and cause him to slip or move to slowly in the ring. Nor will he fail to tightly lace his shoes before a fight. He needs his shoes to serve him well by equipping him to be ready, ready for any movement he must make. In order to take advantage of an opening he must be able to shuffle and move on his feet rapidly.
It’s all about readiness: Being responsive, able to change directions, quick to take advantage of an opportunity, immediate in taking defensive posture.
When you are fitted with readiness…
- You recognize God wants to use your life as you make the most of every opportunity.
Stop thinking that you are merely hear sucking air as a spectator. Start believing what God’s Word teaches, you are here for God’s purpose. Start believing he has given you this time to do his will in the world. Start making the most of each opportunity. Seize your opportunities to, at any time,…
*Make a friend.
*Meet a need.
*Speak a word of encouragement.
*Share your testimony.
*Tell the gospel.
*Move or change carriers.
*Respond to a call to commit to a volunteer ministry at your church.
*Start a new ministry or Christian group.
*Engage in a foreign or domestic mission project.
- You prepare yourself for divine opportunities and challenges.
How? You stay in God’s Word, maintain constant communion through prayer, undergo training as you take opportunities to learn through your church, as well as maintain Christian disciplines such as a devotion life, church attendance, ministry involvement, giving, as well as developing strong and spiritual Christian relationships. This makes you sensitive to God and able to discern his promptings.
- You predetermine to responsively obey God’s Word and spiritual promptings.
God has called you to be ready to share his gospel and do his will at any moment. The Lord has appointments and initiatives for you to advance his Kingdom each and every day. He has plans for you this very day that will advance his will through your life.
- You display flexibility as you do the will of God.
If you are going to truly do God’s will you have to be ever ready to change course, change your stance, even change your mind. You can’t be set in your ways or in control of every circumstance if you are going to be dynamically used of God.
So I encourage you to be ready to move with God anyway he might lead. Surrender to him now and make yourself available to move quickly to make the most of each opportunity he will place before you.
Question: How do you make yourself available to God’s daily plan to use your life for his glory? Share it with us. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
We can be effective in the mission field by simply listening to others. When we are intentionally aware of the plight of others by ACTIVELY listening, we can recognize their needs, and therefore ministry opportunities. Then we can actually use the full armor with which we have available to us.
Active listening is a great element!
You have encouraging words for all of us.
So glad that I read this message this morning! May God lay many opportunities out in our path this week!! Thanks Greg.