What if I told you praying for the Lord to open three specific things could set you on an adventure that would completely change people’s lives, especially your own?

Lord, Open A Door!
A few weeks ago Ron Hutchcraft came to our city to help prepare church leaders and laypersons for a Will Graham Evangelistic effort. He challenged us to engage in sharing Jesus with those around us as a natural part of our lives.
Nothing changes a life more than the truth that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for their sins and rise again to be their Savior. The glorious invitation to turn from your sin and receive the forgiveness of Christ is soul transforming. Everybody needs Jesus!
But for someone to come to Christ, to receive Jesus in their lives, several things must happen. First, a person in need of the Lord must be given an opportunity to hear a believer in Jesus share with them the good news of Christ. Second, their heart must be open to that message. And third, a believer in Christ must be willing to speak the good news of salvation into their lives.
Ron Hutchcraft challenged us to make three prayers a daily practice. I want to share them with you.
- Lord, Open A Door: By this we mean that we pray for God to open a door of opportunity for us to have a spiritual conversation, or an opportunity of ministry, in the life of someone who does not know Christ in a personal way. Praying this prayer does two things… a. Asks God for opportunities to share the gospel. God is the one who opens doors and sets divine appointments. The Lord loves to answer this prayer by leading our lives to intersect the lives of others who need the light of Jesus. b. Makes us inclined to be alert to those opportunities when they come. When we pray asking for an opportunity to share God’s message of salvation, we begin to expect that those opportunities will come. We enter our day with our eyes wide open, looking for the opportunities God has planned.
- Lord, Open Their Hearts: This is where we pray that God would open people’s heart to the message of Christ. After all, it is the Lord who must draw the soul to himself. (John 6:44) We pray that God will do that in the lives of people around us.
- Lord, Open My Mouth: This is where we realize we must be a part of God’s answer to our prayers. Paul wrote, “How, then, can they call on the one (Jesus)…without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14) Too often we pray that God will send someone else to share with them. But we are the ones God has placed in their path. It is up to us to open our mouth and share the great story of God’s love for them.
So this week will you start to pray for things to open? Pray for an open door, open hearts, and for God to open your mouth to share the truth of Christ with someone the Lord places in your path.
Question: Have you had an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with someone far from Christ? Tell us about it. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Hello Professor, I was encourage by your post on praying for things to open,prayer this is a very is relevant, and is necessary for all Christians, to stay in touch with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you for your thoughtful words of inspiration, ! may God Bless and keep you and your family, during the Christmas Holidays, and though-out the rest your lifetime.
Thanks for your word. I pray that God will open up doors for you to open your mouth and touch the hearts of many with the gospel. Blessings!