It is the week before Easter, the great celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Read this to be introduced, or for many of you, reminded, of the uniqueness and perfection of the Son of God. Jesus was no mere man. He was God in the flesh and he came to save us.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of our faith. I did not always believe in him. In fact, for years I considered myself an atheist, skeptical about any claims regarding God. But when I was truly and deeply introduced to him I found him to be who he claimed to be and I was never the same.
Jesus is the full revelation of God and the only Savior of mankind. Jesus is the pre-existent, virgin born, Son of Man, Son of God, miracle worker, and light of the world. R.G. Lee, a preacher from many years back said this of him…
“By the coming of God in human form, Jesus, clothed the body with imperishable nobility. By Him who was made flesh, whose every muscle was a pulley divinely swung, whose every nerve was divine handwriting, whose every bone was divine sculpture, who, in kingly fashion, wore the flesh as a garment, the body has been made an instrument of Christ. Through the human mouth God in authority spoke. Through human eyes God in pity looked. Through human hands God in love wrought. Upon human feet God on errands of mercy went. Through a human heart God’s compassion was shown. Through human ears God heard humanity’s despairing cry.”[1]
Jesus is God, but became man. He came to dwell in the flesh of our humanity, that he might save us from our sinful inhumanity. Though we have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, he is the essence of moral purity.
Lee also said of him, “Jesus never struck a jarring note, never made a misstep. On Him circumstances left no fingerprints. Popularity never caused Him to hasten a footstep. Hostility never caused Him to falter. Temptations never loosened a moral fiber. As all the rivers are gathered into the ocean so Christ is the ocean in which all moral excellencies and spiritual pleasures meet. Even His enemies said they could find no fault in Him. Even His worst foe proclaimed Him innocent.”[2]
Jesus was sinless perfection and thus fit to be the atoning sacrifice for humankind’s sins through his death on the cross. This atonement would find its completion in his miraculous resurrection that we will be celebrating in just a few days.
Today, as you prepare your spirit to worship the Risen Christ this Easter, think on the perfection of Christ. Throughout the day, think on the fact that Christ himself is God’s greatest miracle.
In Christ you can know God. In Christ you can be forgiven. In Christ you can live eternally with God Almighty.
Today, praise him for who he is. In fact, why not praise him for who he is by leaving a brief praise here in the comment section. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Today I praise God for being so loving, and unchanging. He is God who listens, cares, and is active in lives. I’m thankful for His forgiveness, grace and the salvation He so freely gives. I could go on and on. We serve an amazing God!
I praise Jesus for saving my soul even when I didn’t deserve it. Praise and glory be to God who is infinitely kind and merciful.
That is our greatest gift from God, indeed!
Thanks Jesus for a fulfilling life with you leading the way and being loving daily. Thanks for your humility and thanks for bestowing on me your forgiveness, mercy and your leading me to read your word and learn to love without self interest.
Praise you for being our High Priest, who can go into the presence of God the Father and creator of all things and all living things. Praise you for loving us so much that you died for us on the cross, as a sacrifice for our sins. Praise you that you are so great, that you are the Resurrection, that you said you had the power to take back your life again, and you did. Praise you that you promise all who come to you, that you and believe in you, that you will raise us to life on the last day. Praise you for promising that you are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus, praise you that you love us, more than holding onto your own human life. You are our magnificent King of all Kings, and Lord of all Lords.
So great are you Jesus, yet so hidden from many who never seek you or give up part way along the search to find out who you are.
Praise you that you seek us, and as you wish and when you choose, you find us!