Hey, Do You Get That God Loves You!

June 25, 2014 — 2 Comments

Have things not been going your way?  Have you been feeling like you are not good enough, that you can’t make the cut?  Then you need to read this post.

God Really Loves You!

God Really Loves You!


I’ll tell you right at the beginning, because God loves you.

I know, I know.  Some of you are saying, “Yeah, Yeah, I’ve heard that before.  That is the typical Sunday School answer.”

I can understand your reaction.  But read on.  God loves you and that means you are accepted by him.  That means you are not rejected, not by God.

If God loves you and accepts you, then no matter what happens in your circumstances, no matter how you might experience rejection or failure, God still embraces you.  Hope is not lost, but very much present.

Let me illustrate…

Dave Busby, the late evangelist, from childhood suffered severe handicaps due to polio.  His older brother was a star basketball player in high school.  Every Saturday morning a large group of boys would gather at their house to play ball.  One Saturday Dave decided to join the boys for a game.  He walked with a significant limp and was not an able athlete.  The boys shot to see who would pick teams.  When Dave shot the ball it missed the entire backboard.

Naturally Dave’s brother got to pick first.  Knowing he would not be picked, Dave dropped his head and limped toward the house.  It was then that his brother said, “I pick Dave.”  The handicapped boy turned around in disbelief.  “Why me?” he said.  “I’m no good.  I can’t even hit the backboard?  Why would you pick me?”  His brother, with tears in his eyes said, “Because I love you!”  Then, in front of all those high school boys, Dave’s brother unashamedly threw his arms around him and they both cried.

That is how God is with us.  Though others may reject us, he never does.  Through Christ we find acceptance.  With that acceptance we can move beyond our fears into the realm of faith.  We no longer need to be paralyzed with a fear of being rejected by someone.  We know that God has accepted us and that will never change.

Yes, we have sinned.  Yes, we have failed.  Yes, we don’t always measure up to some standard in the world?  But God has gone to great lengths to show us that his love for us can pull us through all that.

Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, to cover over our failure.  In him we find grace and acceptance, even though we do not deserve it.  That is what makes it grace.

So my friend, be encouraged today.  God picks you.  Sure you have been sin crippled.  Sure you don’t measure up to every standard.  But his arms, through Christ, are thrown around you, he chooses you, and with tears he says, “it is because I love you.”

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (ESV)

Question:  What are your favorite Bible verses that speak of God’s love and grace?  Share them with us.  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Greg Faulls


2 responses to Hey, Do You Get That God Loves You!

  1. “If God is for us, then who can be against us.” Romans 8:31b

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