I have been blogging for about four months now. I have published 46 posts so far. I am grateful for hundreds of you who have become consistent readers. You have been reading what I write, but now I want to hear from you.

I want to hear from YOU!
So far I have written on subjects concerning the nature of God, how to follow and serve the Lord, as well as posts on family and leadership.
I have written on things that matter to me, but I would like to know what matters most to you.
Would you help me by giving me feedback?
What are the subjects that you most enjoy reading about and what are the kinds of posts you find most helpful…posts on the nature of God, personal discipleship, family, or leadership?
I want to know what helps you the most.
I would also like to know what questions you have about faith in Christ. What are spiritual problems for which you would like scriptural answers? Or maybe they are simply problems you face in everyday life and you would like to know how God’s Word can give you the guidance you need.
I want to hear from you so that I can focus my writing in ways that add greater value to your life.
I never set out to blog just to see my thoughts published. I became a blogger so I could help you.
Help me help you. How? Simple, just let me know what subjects you most enjoy reading about and what questions you might like to see answered. Maybe there is a subject that you have not seen me address that you would like to see me write on. Let me know what that is.
So here is what I would like you to do. Leave a comment to this post letting me know the kinds of things that you find most helpful on prevailinglife.com. Then let me know what you would like to see me write about in the future. Share questions or topics you would like to see me address.
I might not be able to address every suggested topic, but I hope to address many and I want to hear from you.
Seriously, I want to hear from you! You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Hello Professor, I am a former student I am inspired by your post, and I have become much more knowledgeable from your enormous reflections,and prevailing insights about Holy Scripture, and how it is relevant to our everyday life, I will always pray for your continued words of encouragement, may God Bless and keep you and your family.
Thanks for the encouragement!
I think a posting about trusting God with your future even when it seems bleak at times would be good. Maybe addressing worry & anxiety. It seems so many people are going through big trials right now. I know you have preached on this many times but I am not sure it can ever get old to hear.
This is good to know. Will look to write in that direction from time to time.
enjoying the BLOG, All of it is interesting. No request. Thanks
Thanks Sheila!
I enjoy and read all you blogs..The two that I needed most were how to visit the sick and what to say to the family of someone who has past away..When you get 70 it seem like the hospital and funeral homes are weekly visiting stops.
I don,t know how you do all you do but we deeply appreciate you
Thanks Jim, and thanks for the feedback on what was most helpful to you.
Hey Greg,
I really enjoy reading your posts. I’d be interested in posts about the attributes of God. Or maybe a three-part series that you could post each week. Forgiveness, grace, mercy, God’s wrath, etc. would be other great topics. Maybe the fruits of the Spirit? Keep up the great work!
Great ideas. Thanks. I will need to do that.
Hi! Like others have mentioned, I really appreciate the effort and time behind your blogs! Oddly, I was wanting to mention something last week when I first saw your request for feedback, but couldn’t think of anything at the time. However, a visit with a long time family friend of ours brought my curiosity into focus. As he is struggling with a rebellious 18 year old daughter that he has raised in a Godly home, she has decided to rebel to the inth degree. So yesterday when we were visiting with him, he directly questioned me about Job and why God allows someone to go through what he went through even though a person is good. So here’s my interest: how do we as fellow Christians explain in layman’s terms to someone in such an emotional state of mind how to hold on to your faith while encouraging them to let God take control?
Wow! That is a great question. I get that question a lot. I will need to address that in the future. Thanks for the feedback.
I draw inspiration from the following:
1. Scripture study on “total release of our lives to becoming obedient children of God.
2. The joy you receive when “loving and giving to our fellow-man” representing God’s love.
3. The gift of forgiveness and how it draws us closer to God.
4. Consistency in applying God’s rules to our lives.
All of these things have been addressed in one form or another, the topics however are a reminder to me to strive for a closer walk with God.
I appreciate and am inspired by these blogs.
Thanks so much for the feedback, Linda. This is good!
I’ve liked it all kind of like sermons, I need them all, so I guess I’m not much help except keep it up
Thanks for the encouragement!